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Business strategy
[The New Pioneers case] Triodos Bank – How to survive a global meltdown
Sustainability can mean many things. Most of the time it means environmental sustainability, other times you are talking about social sustainability, and lastly you have economic sustainability. The important thing to remember is that the three are interconnected and...
Denmark’s collaborative culture makes it a breeding ground for sustainability
Proactive government, social responsibility and a willingness to collaborate have put Denmark ahead on sustainability. However, Danish firms may implicitly understand the importance of social and environmental issues, says Copenhagen-based sustainability consultant...
[The New Pioneers case] Peepoople – Taking the backdoor to sanitation
Just imagine for a moment that you don’t have a toilet. Scary, isn’t it? This the reality for over 2.6 billion people on the planet, who lack access to even the simplest latrine. Not only would this make your life a lot more inconvenient, but also more dangerous....
The Trojan Horse Strategy – Changing Business From Within
Imagine that you are the owner of a highly successful social enterprise that has built its success on doing both well and good. One day you get a call from a well-known multi-national corporation, perhaps one with a less than perfect track record when it comes to...
Make your sustainability reporting come alive!
Many companies are spending a lot of both time and money on their sustainability reporting. But does anyone actually read the reports? Social business expert Tania Ellis brings you 6 tips on how you can make your reporting come alive. Click on the ‘Read more’ link...
Sådan vælger du den rette CSR strategi
Har du besluttet dig for, at virksomheden nu skal ordentligt i gang med CSR? I dette blogindlæg får du fem konkrete eksempler på, hvordan du kan komme godt i gang med forretningsstrategisk CSR. Tania Ellis, der driver foredrags- og konsulentvirksomheden The...
Sådan får du CSR-rapporten til at leve hele året
Mange virksomheder bruger store ressourcer på at udarbejde deres CSR-rapport – men ofte bliver den læst af ganske få. For at sikre, at rapporten når bredere ud og skaber reel værdi, foreslår Tania Ellis en ny tilgang. I en artikel på CSR.dk deler hun fem konkrete råd...
CSR trends: Sådan bliver du en god trendspotter
For at holde CSR-indsatsen relevant og værdiskabende er det vigtigt at kunne spotte de trends, der former fremtidens forretningsmiljø. I en artikel fra CSR.dk giver Tania Ellis praktiske råd til, hvordan du som CSR-ansvarlig kan blive en skarp til at spotte CSR...
How to Effectively Engage Employees in CSR Initiatives
Companies like Unilever and Interface have demonstrated that employee engagement in corporate social responsibility (CSR) isn’t just about corporate image—it’s key to achieving long-term business success. Integrating sustainability into daily routines ensures that CSR...
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