This month Tania Ellis met with The Guardian’s Oliver Balch for a talk on the state of sustainable business in Denmark.
The article emphasizes proactive government, social responsibility and a willingness to collaborate as key factors that have contributed in making Denmark perfect breeding ground for sustainable development:
“Notions of participation, dialogue, collaboration, societal responsibility and wealth distribution (or shared value, to give it its contemporary moniker) – all the themes around which the modern sustainability movement is built – come relatively naturally to Danes.”
However, the article also notes that not all is perfect. Corporate misbehavior and low economic growth, for example, have been a problem recently. This is also where Tania Ellis adds that: “Danish firms may implicitly understand the importance of social and environmental issues […] but few think about it strategically […] It’s time they got explicit.”
The article, however, concludes that Denmark is indeed a front-runner in sustainability, especially when it comes to state-led initiatives.
You can read the full story here