Miniconference: Corporate Social Activism


Starts: 08/05/2018 8:30 am

Ends: 08/05/2018 12:30 am

Miniconference: Corporate Social Activism

From taking responsibility to taking a stand

Corporate social activism is on the rise. What are the faces of corporate social activism? Why should companies go from being responsible to taking a stand? Is there a limit as to how far a company can go? And what should companies be aware of if they want to use their business as an activist force for good?

At our mini conference we got how-to insights and inspiration from:

  • The international social business expert who provides an overview of global trends and cases on corporate social activism (Tania Ellis, Special Advisor & Founder, The Social Business Company)
  • The retail giant that applies choice editing and controversial communication to inform and engage its consumers in sustainable consumption (Thomas Roland, CSR Manager, COOP Danmark)
  • The low-cost telecommunications company that initiated a national social movement by changing the company from within (Hanne Lindblad, former CEO and Anja Enggaard former Marketing Manager, Call me)
  • The world’s first ethical prison labour company that uses its business to take a stand on poverty and women’s rights (Veronica D’Souza, CEO & Founder, CARCEL)

Check out our cases below:

See full programme here (click on photo):

Throughout the programme we discussed, networked and exchanged experiences and thoughts on why, if and how companies can become activists for social change.

Corporate social activism


The Social Business Club is an inspirational network forum for professionals from around the world with an interest in innovative and sustainable business practices that create value for society and the bottom line – from CSR and social entrepreneurship to social innovation and shared value. Basic membership is free and gives you access to our online network of more than 4,000 like-minded members from all over the world.

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