Bæredygtig business handler om at skabe både økonomisk og social værdi – og i kølvandet af finanskrisen viser det sig, at dette faktisk stadig er vejen frem, både for virksomheder, der er sat i verden for at tjene penge eller for at redde den. Rapporten Om det nye...
By Tania Ellis
Bæredygtige storbyer kender sine græsrødder
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
Ansvarlighed er mere end et velgørenhedsprojekt
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
Social innovation er også en god investering
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text.
First-movers engage, innovate and co-create with CSR 2.0
The transformation of the internet through new social technologies is changing the face of CSR. With Web 2.o comes CSR 2.o with new possibilities for social interaction, involvement and participation in finding innovative ways to tackle everything from...
Beyond boom-and-bust?
‘Shame’ and ‘Cap Greed’ were some of the slogans on home-made signs of an angry crowd that met the former chief executive of the bankrupted Lehman Brothers, when he in 2009 appeared before the American congress to account for the remunerations of $350 million that he...
Philanthrocapitalism – social change through business
A new kind of charity is shaking up the business world and revamping the concept of ‘giving back’ – because this kind of charity is in fact not charity at all. The new ‘philanthrocapitalists’ – also known as venture philanthropists, new donors, high-engagement...
Employee volunteering – for the inner & outer bottom lines
In a day and age where most of us dedicate a major part of our time to our jobs, we are beginning to look for more than financial compensation. As citizens and employees many of us are on the hunt for a greater purpose with our daily efforts. It’s a quest for meaning...
Sustainability leadership requires a combination of masculine and feminine values
Traditional masculine values – competition, linear and rational thinking on one side, and traditional feminine values – cooperation, holistic and intuitive thinking on the other are key to sustainable development.
Measuring happiness – progressive or pointless?
In The New Pioneers I focus on three sustainable growth principles. One of them is the principle of immaterial growth. With today’s resource scarcity and skyrocketing social imbalances, how we determine and measure growth is becoming a critical issue. But...
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