By Tania Ellis Not long ago, corporate responsibility was often viewed as a nice-to-have—a philanthropic add-on that didn’t affect the core of the business. Today, things have changed drastically. Navigating sustainability has become complex, even for...
Sustainability in the Textile Industry: Anja Padget Paves the Way at Delogue PLM
As Head of ESG & Communication at Delogue PLM, Anja Padget is committed to making sustainability a strategic focus in the textile industry. With a background in procurement and supply chain management, she has a wealth of experience working with suppliers and a...
Bæredygtighed i tekstilbranchen: Anja Padget baner vejen hos Delogue PLM
Som Head of ESG & Communication hos Delogue PLM arbejder Anja Padget målrettet på at gøre bæredygtighed til en strategisk del af tekstilbranchen. Hendes fokus er at skabe engagement og reelle forandringer gennem en klar ESG-strategi. Få Anjas historie og bedste...
Sådan får du CSR ind i hjertet af salgsindsatsen
At integrere CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) i virksomhedens salgsstrategi er en effektiv måde at skabe både økonomisk og social værdi på. I artiklen "Sådan får du CSR ind i hjertet af salgsindsatsen" på får du indsigt i, hvordan din virksomhed kan gøre...
Fremtiden er tæt på: Danmark som globalt væksthus
Danske virksomheder opererer i dag i en verden af ubalancer. Finanskriser blot éen af flere globale megakriser, og konkurrencen bliver stadig hårdere fra lande som Kina, Indien og andre nye økonomier. Danmark har rammerne og kompetencerne til at skabe et globalt...
Why a Practical ESG Education Delivers the Fastest Return
By Tania Ellis Academic or practical ESG education? Here’s a guide to help you choose the best programme for your ESG journey. Have you ever wondered whether an academic or practical education is the best path for you in the field of ESG and sustainability? As demand...
Do You Have the Skills to Build a Solid ESG Business Case?
By Tania Ellis How can companies move beyond merely meeting ESG requirements to actively capitalising on them and creating value for both society and the bottom line? As businesses across the globe face increasingly stringent ESG reporting demands, they are presented...
Reports about Social Business
Værdi i år 2 af partnerskaber Carve Consulting P/S Løsninger på samfundets udfordringer skal findes i krydsfeltet mellem mange forskellige aktørers interesser og kompetencer. Derfor er det afgørende, at vi lykkes med at indgå og drive de partnerskaber, der skal til...
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