Sustainable Business Change Manager
A practical Mini MBA on Sustainable Business & Change Management
Join our practical online training programme to get the knowledge and tools that will give you the language, confidence and skills to turn your sustainability plans and ambitions into value-adding actions!
With over 20 years of experience in CSR and sustainable business, we understand the strategic challenges and internal transformation barriers that companies face.
Gain a 360-degree understanding of sustainable business practices. Learn how to integrate ESG and sustainability into the core of your business and organization, so you can create value for both society and the bottom line.
Everything you need to know
Uddannelsens moduler
Hvem tager uddannelsen?
What you get:
- 6 modules over 6 months (live online teaching + recorded video training).
- Focus on value-creating ESG and sustainability across business disciplines in both strategy and practice.
- Skills to strengthen and drive sustainable business changes within your own organization.
- Digital toolbox with guides, tools, templates, and an online resource library.
- High level of participant interaction, expert presentations, and exercises facilitated by an experienced program leader.
- NDevelopment of your own action plan with competent feedback from our program leader and certificate partners
- Passing the exam is rewarded with certification and a diploma.
- Access to a strong alumni network with skilled professionals and platform with tools and webinars.
What you will learn
The programme is structured into modules covering everything from strategy development to practical implementation. You will receive tools, templates, and guidelines to help you directly apply your new knowledge in your business. Click on the boxes below to read more about the program content for each module.
Module 1: Clear Purpose I Strategy
Sustainable business models and strategies. We learn how ESG, CSR, and sustainability are integrated into the core of the business, so they support both business goals and sustainability goals in a strategic and systematic way.
Part 1
Part 2 Sustainable Business Strategies |
Part 3 The strategic foundation |
Global megatrends | ESG risks & legislation | Strategic ambition levels |
Market change drivers |
Linking sustainability & business | Analysis tools for baseline data |
Key terms and concepts | The business case for ESG |
Strategy development |
- Part 1: One live online kick-off day
- Part 2 and 3: Video-based training
- 2-hour live online Module 1 Q&A session
Module 2: Corporate Engagement I Organization
Getting ESG & sustainability to the heart of your organization. We learn how to lead internal change processes that create management buy-in, employee engagement, and daily actions within the organization, so they support the company’s sustainability ambitions.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Internal barriers & change drivers | “Hardwiring” the organization | Categories of CSR/ESG-roles |
Strategies for change management | “Softwiring” the organization | Requirement of you as a change agent |
Sustainable leadership | Plan for implementation & integration | Intrapreneurship vs entrepreneurship |
- Parts 1-3: Video-based training
- 2-hour live online Module 2 Q&A session
Module 3: Collaborative Co-Creation I Value Chain Alliances
Sustainability at the heart of business processes. We gain insight into how sustainability and ESG integrate into the entire value chain – from sourcing, procurement, and supplier management to sales, customer engagement, and strategically aligned shared value alliances.
Part 1 Value Chain Sustainability |
Part 2 Value Chain Alliances |
Part 3
CSDDD & other relevant legislation | Scope 1-3 & CO2 supplier data |
Consumer engagement (B2C) |
Procurement & supply chain practices | Shared value partnerships |
Customer engagement (B2B) |
The 6 due diligence steps |
Sales & value propositions |
- Parts 1-3: Video-based training
- 2-hour live online Module 3 Q&A session
Module 4: Clear Communication I Reporting & Communication
Sustainability at the heart of the company’s communication. We learn about reporting regulations (CSRD, ESRS), the Green Claims (greenwashing) directive, and develop a communication strategy in support of the company’s sustainable business goals.
Part 1 ESG Reporting |
Part 2 Communicating Sustainability |
Part 3 Authentic Communication |
CSRD & ESRS | Strategic ESG- Communication |
The Green Claims Directive |
Double materiality | Internal & eksternal communication | Greenwashing do’s & don’ts |
The reporting process in practice | Communication Plan | Crisis Communication |
- Parts 1-3: Video-based training
- 2-hour live online Module 4 Q&A session
Module 5: Putting it all together I Your Action Plan
The Sustainable Business Change Plan. We bring everything together into a concrete step-by-step action plan for your own company case of choice.
You choose the focus of the change plan – it just needs to relate to ESG/CSR/sustainability.
- An overall CSR/ESG strategy for the business
- An internal engagement plan for the organization
- A plan for responsible procurement and supplier management
- A branding strategy to strengthen the company’s sustainability profile
1 full day live online
Module 6: Harvesting key learnings & skills I Exam & Certification
To complete the practical learning program, you must pass both a written and an oral exam.
Our alliance partners will act as examiners, and during the oral exam they will provide feedback and valuable advice for your continued work.
The written exam consists of your 2-page action plan with accompanying appendices. The oral exam is conducted live online and consists of 35 minutes for presentation, feedback, and advice.
With active participation in the lessons and a passed exam, your certification and diploma is secured – and you are ready to drive sustainable change for the benefit of both society and the bottom line!
Meet our expert instructors
Alliance with Henley Business School
With a focus on a practical leadership approach, a strong academic structure, and a 360-degree perspective on sustainable business and change management, the programme is structured as a Mini MBA in Sustainable Business & Change Management.
The programme is also recognized by Henley Business School Denmark, part of Henley Business School—one of the world’s most prestigious and Triple Crown-accredited business schools.
Do you prefer in-person learning?
We also offer the certificate programme in Danish in two formats: an in-person and a hybrid format in Copenhagen. Learn more by clicking below.
ESG Education GUIDE
Navigate the jungle of ESG programmes
Your Benefits from our ESG education
Why choose Sustainable Business Change Manager?
Personal benefits
- The latests knowledge about ESG, CSR, and Sustainable business
- Stronger CV with certificate and new skills
- Access to a digital toolbox and online library
- Expanded network of peers across industries and sectors
Company benefits
- Strategic Action Plan for sustainabilty and ESG
- Employee(s) with skills that benefit the entire organization
- Save on external consultant fees
- High value for money with concrete results
6 good reasons to choose this sustainable business programme
Recognized & practical
The programme is known for its high quality and practical applicability, which strengthens your CV and enhances your skills.
Business acumen
You will learn to work with ESG and sustainability as an integrated business discipline – from strategy and sales to HR and communication.
ESG & sustainability Insight
Digital toolbox
We will give you access to a digital learning platform with tools, templates, and examples to use both during and after the programme.
New career opportunities
The programme provides the necessary skills to strengthen your current role or transition to new job opportunities.
Strong Alumni network
You can continue your learning journey within a strong network of skilled professionals who work with sustainability in practice.
The company’s 6 good reasons to invest
From compliance to business
The programme focuses on how ESG can be used to create business value, not just meet compliance requirements.
Strategy & implementation
The programme covers both the development of sustainability strategies and their internal implementation within the company.
Action Plan
Your employee will develop a structured action plan for an ESG or sustainability initiative in the company, based on your current challenges or opportunities.
Learning for the organization
The employee can share knowledge and solve tasks with an internal working group, allowing more colleagues to benefit from the program.
Save on consultancy fees
The programme provides you with knowledge, tools, and an action plan at a fraction of the cost of an external consultant.
Value for money
A recognized programme with high academic quality, offering access to support, materials, and tools at a competitive price.
Trusted by 200+
Who takes the course?
The programme is for you if you want to:
- Develop or lead ESG and sustainability efforts in your company
- Expand your specialist knowledge in ESG and sustainable business development
- Position yourself for a new role or make a career change
- Collaborate with companies on projects related to CSR, ESG, or sustainability
- Advise companies on sustainable business practices
Here are examples of typical participant profiles:
CSR / ESG / Sustainability managers
Business managers
Do you work in HR, communication, sales, procurement, or another department? Gain insight into how to integrate ESG and sustainability across the organization and into your own work, so you can strengthen your role or department.
Are you a specialist in areas such as environment, supply chain, or design? The programme expands your business understanding and provides you with new skills in sustainability and ESG.
Use the programme to strengthen your business with a deeper understanding of ESG and sustainability, along with the tools needed to offer more comprehensive and value-creating solutions.
Corporate partnerships
Do you work in an NGO or foundation with responsibility for corporate partnerships? We’ve had several participants who have used the programme to strengthen both their partnership position and CSR efforts within their own organization.
Sustainable career movers
See what others have gained from the course
Learn more about the Sustainable Business Change Manager programme at one of our Q&A webinars.
Programme Schedule – Spring 2025
- START: April 10th 2025
- Deadline for sign up: March 14th 2025
- Early registration is recommended as there is a limited number of seats for quality reasons
- Location: All sessions are facilitated online via Zoom.
- = Recorded online materials (Self-study)
- = Full day / 6-hour live online teaching sessions (Mandatory Attendance)
- = 2-hour live Q&A (Mandatory Attendance)
Time requirements
Study group exchanges and online community interactions are ongoing throughout and after the programme.
The recorded teaching videos amount to a total of 35 hours. Reserve 2-3 days per module for self-study and exercises, depending on your learning pace and ambitions.
To learn about curriculum and necessary time per module, please download our infokit.
ESG Mini MBA Price
Startups, small NGOs, career moversStartups: 0-2 year-old companies or Small NGOs: 1-10 employees or Career movers: job seekers + personal payment (employees)
Price is per attendee
SMEs & NGOsCompanies: 2+ years, 1-50 employees
NGOs: 10+ employees
Price is per attendee
Big companies & organisationsPrivate & public companies & organisations:
50+ employees
Price is per attendee
The programme fee can be paid in 2, 4 or 6 instalments with a 50 € / 350 DKK administration fee per instalment.
B Corp certified companies and B Leaders get 10% discount on the programme fee.
Give and grow
Do you have the motivation, but lack the budget to pay the full price? Apply to our Give & Grow scholarship and get the programme at the reduced price of €2,610 / DKK 19.500. Click here to read more.
Looking for alternative cohorts or dates?
Join the non-binding waiting list and let us know your preferred start date, and we’ll be in touch with information about more upcoming cohorts.
Are you based in Denmark and looking for financing options?
See if any of these might be relevant for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time
SMV: Grønne kompetencer
Arbejder du for en virksomhed med 2-249 ansatte? Så har din virksomhed med programmet SMV:Grønne Kompetencer mulighed for at ansøge om en voucher på op til 60.000 kr til dækning af kurser og uddannelse!
Men I skal være hurtige – deadline for ansøgning er allerede onsdag d. 18. september.
De foreløbige ansøgningsrunder er som følger:
15. august 2024 – 18. september 2024
19. september 2024 – 23. oktober 2024
24. oktober 2024 – 20. november 2024
Bruttolønsordningen kan måske være en mulighed for dig, hvis du er ansat og selv skal betale for hele eller en del af uddannelsen.
Med en bruttolønsordning har du nemlig mulighed for at få trukket udgiften til uddannelsen fra din bruttoløn (fordelt over x antal måneder), og sparer dermed skatten. Den reducerer dermed din samlede udgift – og koster ikke din arbejdsgiver noget!
Der kan også være mulighed for at lave en aftale med din arbejdsgiver om, at virksomheden betaler en del af uddannelsen, og restbeløbet til egenbetaling indgår i en bruttolønsordning.
Du kan finde mere om betingelser for bruttolønsordningen inde på SKATs hjemmeside.
Husk også, at hvis arbejdsgiver betaler dine udgifter til erhvervsrelaterede uddannelser og kurser, er de skattefri for dig. Mere herom på
Den statslige kompetencefond
Finansiering af uddannelsen gennem Den Statslige Kompetencefond kan måske være en mulighed for dig, hvis du er ansat i en statsejet virksomhed.
Dér er der 5 forskellige fondspuljer at vælge imellem, afhængigt af hvilken overenskomst din virksomhed hører ind under. Find mere information herom på
Vi har fået flere henvendelser vedrørende puljen for Akademikerne, og har derfor undersøgt hvad der er gældende for dén specifikke pulje:
SBCM uddannelsen hører ind under kategorien “ikke-formelle kompetenceudviklingsaktiviteter”
Komptencefonden dækker 25.000 kr. af deltagerbetalingen til uddannelsen
De finansierede 25.000 kr er eksklusiv moms.
Momsen samt restbetalingen udover de 25.000 kr skal betales af arbejdsgiver (egenbetaling er ikke en mulighed).
Arbejdsgiver lægger ud for hele betalingen, og får refunderet de 25.000 kr efter bestået eksamen.
Hvis du overvejer at tage vores SBCM Online uddannelse (på engelsk), er der nogle tillægskrav ift bl.a. dokumentation for antal undervisningstimer. Kontakt os for mere information.
Bemærk at ansøgninger behandles efter først-til-mølle princippet, og at man skal være hurtig – der er op til 2 måneders ekspeditionstid! Bemærk at ekspedition af ansøgninger først kan påbegyndes efter at din leder har godkendt ansøgningen i systemet).
Læs meget mere her – eller tag direkte kontakt til Kompetencefonden.
Arbejdsrelaterede fradrag
Betaler du selv for uddannelsen, er udgiften måske fradragsberettiget. Læs mere omkring dine fradragsmuligheder her:
Give & Grow pladser
På hvert hold har vi et begrænset antal øremærkede Give & Grow pladser, der er reserveret til kursister, der har motivationen men ikke økonomien til at betale fuld pris.
Iværksættere, små NGOer, studerende og jobsøgende prioriteres, men skulle du falde lidt udenfor kategori, så send endelig din ansøgning alligevel – hvor intet vover, intet vinder. 🙂
Du kan læse mere om vores Give & Grow princip og sende din ansøgning her.
SBCM Online & ratebetaling
SBCM Online
Hvis du ønsker større fleksibilitet på både tid og økonomi, tilbyder vi også mulighed for at tage uddannelsen online på engelsk. Med Sustainable Business Change Manager Online har vi mulighed for at udbyde forløbet i tre priskategorier.
5.000 DKK rabat
Hvis din virksomhed er medlem af Etisk Handel eller Dansk Erhverv, kan du få 5000 kr. rabat på uddannelsen.
Mulighed for ratebetaling
Programgebyret kan betales i 2, 4 eller 6 rater med et administrationsgebyr på 50 € / 350 DKK per rate.
Let us tell you more
More info & guidance
Get in touch
+45 32 14 22 95
Call us for more information
Send us an email
Q&A Webinar
Learn more about our Sustainable Business Change Manager programme at one of our Q&A webinars.
Social media
Stay informed and inspired with trends and insights on ESG, CSR, and sustainable business.
Keen to read more?
CSR is a business discipline – and requires change management
Curious about how your company can turn sustainability regulations into business opportunities?
Learn how a purpose-driven approach can energize your organization, why culture trumps strategy, and discover practical tips to drive sustainable change.
More Information
Download Infokit
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Would you like to be notified when we launch new Sustainable Business Change Manager courses or offer other programmes in ESG, CSR and sustainable business? Then sign up for our Academy newsletter.