Terms & Conditions


Training materials

Materials from our courses and certificate programmes are made available to you online or are downloadable for access both during and after end of training.

Alumni membership materials

Members of our Sustainable Business Change Manager Alumni Forum have access to all Alumni materials, as long as their membership is valid.

License & Copyright

Unless otherwise stated, TANIA ELLIS and The Social Business Academy (owned by TANIA ELLIS – The Social Business Company) and/or it’s licensors (all teachers) own the intellectual property rights for all material on the Sustainable Business Change Manager certificate programme and other services from The Social Business Academy. All intellectual property rights are reserved.

This means that you may not:

  • Republish material from The Social Business Academy training services without permission.
  • Sell, rent or sub-license material from The Social Business Academy and the Sustainable Business Change Manager certificate programme.
  • Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from The Social Business Academy and the Sustainable Business Change Manager certificate programme without clearly stating the source.
  • Redistribute content from The Social Business Academy and the Sustainable Business Change Manager certificate programme without permission.


Reservations are non-binding and only serve as a guaranteed seat on the programme.

Registrations & Refunds

Registrations/sign-ups are binding and entail the collection of a course fee which is non-refundable.
If you are prevented from attending, your course participation can be transferred to a colleague.
Instalment payments are not refundable upon cancellation after the course has started.



For terms & conditions for our Consulting services, we refer to the individual contracts that are issued in connection with the specific assignments.



Bookings are binding once TANIA ELLIS – The Social Business Company has received a signed / written confirmation of the speaking contract.


If cancellation by latest 45 days before the event date, 50% of the speaker fee is charged.
If cancellation by latest 30-21 days before the event date, 75% of the speaker fee is charged.
If cancellation by latest 20-0 days before the event date, 100% of the speaker fee is charged.

Technical equipment

It is the responsibility of the client / event organizer to ensure that all technical equipment that is agreed upon in the speaking contract if fully functional.

The engaged speaker is eligible to refrain from speaking if the event organizer does not fulfil technical obligations. In such cases when the speaker is prevented to perform as agreed, the event organizer is obliged to pay full fee.


In case of illness, the engaged speaker can at single events cancel the contract (force majeur), but is obliged to try in any possible way to provide a substitute speaker – or to find a new date for the event.


Audio and video recordings of speaking engagements are not allowed unless otherwise agreed with TANIA ELLIS in writing in the speaking contract.


Our Club services currently come along with a free membership of our online community forum on LinkedIn.

When paid Premium memberships are available, our Terms & Conditions for these will follow here.